

Shiana Warren

Many years ago, I started focusing on my wellness journey. I was super excited and ready for a change. I had all the info available online, an accountability group and so much more. I used to be a very organized person (before children obviously lol) so I did allllll the research. But the one thing that I didn’t factor in was that I would have to change my son’s habits. But how????

Shiana Warren Blog Picture

Although I love to eat popcorn and other snack foods, it was fairly easy for me to decide to eat foods that were healthier for me. Even if they sometimes didn’t taste good. But that wasn’t going to work for a 2-year-old boy. 

The first few weeks were tough. Meltdowns at mealtime… Refusing to eat a certain food item… Tears… Drive-thru visits for him (…and sometimes for me too). At the end of the day, he wasn’t eating any healthier than before.  

Trial and Error...

Obviously, I turned to Google and searched “How to get your toddler to eat veggies?”. If you’ve done this search, you know that there are so many strategies offered that you tend to get lost in the options. 

I tried a few of the options because I knew that I had to find a way to make it fun, enjoyable and tasty for him to try new foods. I made some tweaks along the way and bit by bit, mealtime wasn’t frustrating anymore. I even found a way to sneak some veggies into his meals. You can grab those tips right here.

That’s when I knew I was onto something.

I developed a strategy to get my son to eat healthier food options.

Fast forward to now… That little boy is 12 and he has a 5-year-old sister. They both enjoy healthy foods while still indulging in pizza and fries, every now and then. With all of the mindset work that we’ve been doing, mealtime isn’t frustrating for us anymore.

As a homeschooling family, we experiment in the kitchen and find ways to make food interesting. 

We use the same strategy when we travel or order food from a restaurant. We don’t want our social connections to be impacted by our healthier lifestyle choices which made it more important to be able to adapt easily.

I’ve used this same strategy with over 30 moms so far.

At Mommy ‘n’ Me Wellness, we love helping moms experience the same with their children. It is not an easy task for most. However, the relief that I hear from moms that feel empowered that they can provide their children with a strong and healthy foundation is priceless

Will I have the privilege of working with you and your family next?

Don’t use your precious time, as I did, to Google all of the ways to get your children to eat healthy foods, exercise more, become confident or rest their body. I have an easy-to-follow plan to help with the transition.

I have an easy-to-follow plan to help with the transition.

You don’t have to do this alone because I will be there, with you, for you, when you need a shoulder to cry on because your child is being a little resistant to change.

When you show up with the right strategy and the right mindset, you can be successful at helping your child cultivate healthy habits for their future. 


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