This blog is for mamas that are looking to raise healthy and confident children

Are Moms Wrong About Veggies?

Veggies Misconceptions Feature Image

Healthy eating habits are formed one bite at a time.

Are you tired of the nightly dinner battle over vegetables? Many parents struggle with getting their children to eat their greens, but it doesn’t have to be a daily challenge.


In this video, I will explore 10 misconceptions that moms often have about vegetables and share tips on combating them while introducing healthy eating habits to your children.


Plus, stick around for a bonus tip at the end on how to sneak more veggies into your children’s meals without them even realizing it.


By debunking these myths, you can make vegetables a more enjoyable part of your child’s diet.


A few of the topics covered in this video are: 

  • Veggies are too expensive.
  • I have a picky eater.
  • I don’t have time to prepare veggies.
  • My child doesn’t need veggies because they eat a multi vitamin
  • And so much more


Check out the entire video to start implementing these tips today in order to see a positive change in your child’s attitude towards vegetables.


Don’t forget to download your free resource.

Sneaky Veggies Pop Up Image


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